Areté Learning Trust

  1. Education
  2. Our Central Education Team

Our Central Education Team

Specific professional development programmes and projects are designed and offered to meet the needs of schools where evaluation of KPIs, analysis of performance indicators, feedback from heads and national priorities identify trends across the schools that require whole Trust strategies to support improvement.

These are led by the Central Education Team, expertise from within the Trust system or externally led support.

Carolyn has been a teacher for 20 years, possessing a BSc (Hons) in Geography and Geology, a DPhil within the field of Geology, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and a National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination (NASENCo). 

She has worked for the Trust for 6 years and is the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion at Ryedale School and teaches Geography.  Carolyn is also the DSL and Designated teacher within  Ryedale. She has been the Trust SENDCo for 6 years and last year became the Trust Lead for Safeguarding and Inclusion.    

In her current role, Carolyn leads on SEND and Safeguarding strategies for the Trust and oversees these areas within the Trust schools.   She has been a SENDCo for 10 years and has experience of working with young people with SEND from nursery to Post 16.  She has also previously sat on the EHCP assessment panel of NYCC. She has been a DDSL for 4 years and a DSL for 2 years and has significant experience of multi-agency working across SEND and Safeguarding.

Carolyn believes that all learners can, with the right support, have a successful, fulfilling and enjoyable educational experience and develop the skills and confidence to succeed in future life.   

Quote: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” (Albert Einstein)